Decision Making

We make decisions every day.

Really we make decisions so many times a day, we don’t even realize we are making them. You decided to get out of bed this morning. You decided to take a shower, or not. You decided what you would wear, what you would eat, and the list goes on. All day long.

This is why morning routines are so important to people. They want to pre-decide what they will do so they don’t have to think about it every day.

Some people wear the same “uniform” every day – very Steve Jobs like. Some people eat the same thing for breakfast.

But then there are bigger, more life-altering decisions we have to make. These ones are more stressful for me. School choices, job choices, family choices. They have longer lasting consequences.

If I made a poor choice in what to wear today, I can change, or vow not to wear that uncomfortable shirt again…ever! But making a poor decision about a job offer could be life altering.

When faced with a big decision this week, I shared with my daughter the two options my husband and I were trying to decide between. She offered just a short, but very profound sentence in response. “Well, I guess you just need to pray a lot.”

That was really what it all came down to. Either decision required us to trust God with the outcome. One was not really better than the other. In the end, we looked at the motivation and our core beliefs. As if the lights turned on, when we looked at it from that perspective, there was complete peace. We felt good about the decision. Even if other factors changed, the motivation and core beliefs didn’t.

Will we still question if we made the right decision? Probably. It is what we do as humans. But we are still trusting God with the outcomes.

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